Refund and Returns Policy

You can return the product in case of any problem during delivery such as broken, torn, wrong size, damaged, unhealthy, unusable, not working, mismatch with the picture, etc. In this case, the product packaging or box should be completely intact.
If there is a problem with the product during delivery, clothing, and footwear are returned within a maximum of 7 days if the product is not damaged or unopened. Products other than diapers, wipes, baby food, baths, and skin care soaps, cosmetics, and birthday party products are returned within 4 days if they are not opened or damaged. We also make arrangements to supply similar goods products instead of refundable products as per the wishes of the customer.
You must notify our representative about the return of the product by mail to or by calling +8801894947070 within a maximum of 48 hours after receiving the delivery of the product.
Your refundable product must be returned to clothing and footwear within 7 days and products other than diapers, wipes, baby food, bath, and skin care soaps, cosmetics, and birthday party products must be returned to’s warehouse within 4 days at your own risk.
To follow the online return procedure, go to the Order Details page under Order History and click on the return or return link next to the product you want to return. Follow the on-screen and fill in the required information and submit the request. Then send the refundable product to our office at your own risk.

Refund policy (in case of advance payment)

If the ordered product is not in our stock, we will refund your paid price within 7 days.
If is unable or unwilling to serve any product, we will refund your refund within the stipulated time.
If the customer returns any paid product, we will refund the customer’s money as per the terms of our product return policy.
If you find that your product is problematic, will refund your paid price if you return it according to our product return policy.
If a product is delivered to you that you did not order, will change the product you ordered or refund the price paid. will re-inform you about your order before shipping the product. You cannot change your order after shipment.
No price will be refunded except for the only problematic product after delivery.
If the customer receives a damaged/damaged / problematic product or finds a product that does not match his / her order, you must notify him/her within 48 hours of receiving the product by mail to or by calling +8801894947070. In this case, if you are not interested in getting a similar good product instead of the problematic product, you will get a refund of the paid price of your product.
After receiving any objection or complaint about the product, will investigate the complaint and if your complaint is true, it will take necessary steps to refund the paid price of your product.
The price refund process will start after your refundable product reaches us. Upon receipt of the refundable product we verify the quality of the product, the manner in which you paid the price at the time of payment of the product i.e. by card or account will be paid to your refundable product within 7 days within our stipulated time.
In case of a refund of the price of the product, only the amount equal to the price of the product will be refunded. In this case no bonus, gift price, or benefits, and no refund of delivery charge.
You can purchase any product from with a refund for the price of your refundable product.
Follow this procedure to get a refund for your product. Go to the product price return box or page. Click the return amount button or box. Confirm the return by following the screen. If the payment for your product is in cash at the time of purchase, then we are through development, or if your payment is through a card or account. In this case, fill in the details of your account accurately. You will receive a refund for your product in your account.